- Scaling Risk Analysis with reproducible notebooks (SIRACon 2019 Cincinnati)
- What is GRC? Explaining the current landscape
- A modern reporting toolchain: RMarkdown with containers (R user group Portland)
- Serverless Egress without Cold Start (AWS Portsmouth User Group
- Redefining collaboration norms as your company grows (DevOpsDays Boston 2016 Keynote)
- Containers in Regulated Environments (Container Days Boston)
- Safeguarding Sensitive Data in the Cloud (SPAN Conf London)
- Minimizing Misery in Regulated Environments (AutomaCon Hack Day Portland)
- Overcoming Regulatory Burden in Startups (DevOpsDays Boston 2015)
- Observability, the new incompetence. Part 1: open your eyes (Portland Maine Ruby Meetup 2013)
- A Cloud on My Desk: reducing complexity using open source tools (OSEHRA Open Source Summit 2013)